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Thanks for sharing this! This post really resonates with me.

I've been a consistent "recreational" runner for 2 years already. In the past I jumped on that train several times but I always quit shortly (months at most). Although long-term benefits were obvious, the immediate suffering made it not sustainable for me.

By the way, running alone is an excellent activity both for body and mind (more on that below). Not to mention the fact that it's almost free (as beer).

Anyway, back to my story. The different thing this time is that I don't push myself hard. I run 3 times a week at the slowest possible pace for about 30 minutes (which usually makes about 4 kilometers).

Some people go from zero to a marathon finisher in 2 years, but if I tried to do anything remotely like that, I would quit shortly. Nevertheless:

- I don't have any back pain that I occasionally had before

- I brought my weight down a little bit

- (Surprise!) I find this kind of workout very relaxing after a stressful work day. I consider it to be a kind of meditation

BTW I found psychology tricks from "Atomic Habits" by James Clear to be very useful for establishing good habits and breaking bad ones (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40121378-atomic-habits).

Again, thanks for sharing this. I wish you to stay on the fitness trail, because the investment will definitely pay off :)

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